Directed by Indrasena R and Naara Rohit, Sree Vishnu, Sudheer Babu and Shriya Saran starring Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu Trailer is released by the Director Sukumar.
The star cast of the films usually do different films and trailer is indicating that it is not routine movie. Sree Vishnu's appearance is kept in the dark. Director may want to surprise the audience. It seems that we are going to have another content based film.
The music of the film is provided by Mark k Robin.
I personally like the recent films of star cast. The actors are only maturing with each film and earning the respect from movie lovers. The speech by Sukumar on director Indrasena R has only raised my expectations. So this film will be in my watch list for this year.
Movie : Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu
Actor : Sree Vishnu
Actor : Rohit
Actor : Sudheer Babu
Actress : Shriya Saran
Director : Indrasena R
Music : Mark K Robin
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