My Amazon Products

This page contains the products that are liked and purchased by me in Amazon India. I felt that these products are worth to share. So this page will be updated regularly as and when any purchases made with the Amazon India.

Note: The links provided here are affiliated links. It means, if you select any of this link and make purchase of that product then this website gets small commission at no additional cost to you. This will helps us in running the website seamlessly.

Thank you from my bottom of heart for coming and reading the blog.

    My current living place is having Generator back up. However, there is a small-time power loss in transition to the Generator Power. This has become a problem when I have meetings with my office colleagues. It is more problematic especially during work from home times. So, I looked for alternatives and found the below product is helpful to me.  

    The installation of the product is quite easier. It is having power back up of up to four hours. It is compatible with leading Wi-Fi routers available in the market. The important things to check before purchasing this product is power ratings compatibility with the router and power back up device. Please check it before purchasing the product. This is really helping me to have uninterrupted Wi-Fi at home. 


Dear Music Lovers

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